You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.8. Maintenance - Edit Menus > Example: Customising a Menu to Prevent Access to File Update Menu

Example: Customising a Menu to Prevent Access to File Update Menu

This example shows how to create a customised menu for MDS to deny users access to the FILE menu which will prevent them from altering or deleting any of the MDS master files.


Micronet displays the Enter Menu to Edit screen.

  1. In the Standard Menus list, select MDS.
  1. Select the Edit button.

Micronet displays the menu and submenu options on all the MDS menus.

  1. Select the FILE menu option.
  1. Select the Grey button.
  1. Select the Save button.

Micronet displays the Save Menu screen.

  1. Enter SALES for Menu Name.
  1. Select Accept to save the menu name.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Menu to Edit screen.

  1. Select the user to whom the new menu applies.

Micronet displays the User File Update screen.

  1. Select the User Access tab.
  2. In the Default Menu field, enter SALES.

For more information, refer to "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 2. User Access".

  1. Select FILE | SAVE to save these changes to your user ID setup.

The next time the user logs into Micronet, they will not have access to the FILE menu options.